Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Knows What She Wants

Yesterday ended up being quite the annoying day at work. I was in a very foul mood on the way home from work. To top things off, my right ankle was bothering me all day so I decided to skip my run and spend 2 days recovering. I needed something to take my mind off everything, so by the time I got home I had resolved to make everyone go to Best Buy with me while I picked up a copy of Pan's Labyrinth, which just came out.

After arriving, we basically just let Megan run around for awhile. She was in pure heaven. First she ran up and down the rows of big screen TVs, then around digital cameras, and finally into the car stereo section. She was just laughing and smiling up a storm, really having a great time. Eventually I had to corral her up so that I could actually browse some stuff, and we wandered over to the PC Video Games.

Megan did not want to be held, so I had to put her down before she threw a fit. Just as I did that, I recalled that a Shrek 3 video game was coming out. I glanced over at Andrea as Megan ran off down the aisle at mock 10. Before I could finish saying, "Hey Andi, there is a new Shrek game coming out, maybe we should look for it?" Megan had stopped, grabbed a box off the shelf, and was running back towards me with a copy of the new Shrek video game in hand!!

It was just priceless! Not even talking yet, but she can pick out a video game she wants! I ended up buying it for her, even though it's not something she can really play yet. Maybe she will grow into it. I have a feeling that going to see the Shrek movie next week will be a very enjoyable experience.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

She did the same thing when I took her to visit Scott at work. I just let her run around the video store and she looked at all the videos and picked one out wiht a green person on the cover-she must have thought it was Shrek!