Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Terrible Tuesdays

The most annoying thing lately is how work is getting in the way of my exersize. Even getting stuck at work by 30 minutes puts me in a mood where I just can't bring myself to goto the gym, because it just means I'll end up delaying dinner and not have as much time at home. It's been happening a lot more recently, tonight I was at work until a whopping 5:20pm.

Now, I know a lot of people that work a lot longer hours then me. But I pride myself on maintaining the 40 hour work week, and not an hour more or less. I get paid for 40 hours a week, so I'm going to work 40 hours a week. Don't ask me to wear more pieces of flair.

The result of all this? Aside from my increased stress levels and growing desire for a screwdriver? A weight of 189 lbs. What's the big deal about that? I don't know, other then it bothers the crap out of me, and I'm not doing anything about it. The funny part is, it's not like there is any REAL difference between 189 and what I want to maintain, 180. Physically speaking, they are the same. Health wise, I'm sure it makes no difference. Yet I'm still so pissed off that I can't maintain the 180 weight.

So what to do? Do I completely give up calories due to my decreased exersize? Do I give up family and "me" time in order to get more exersize in? Do I try and change things around and exersize in the morning instead of at night? (historically, that has NEVER worked for me, so I'm not even sure I can consider that as an option) All I know is I need to change SOMETHING and everytime I resolve to do that, something happens to break down my resolve.


Steve Eck said...

It is all about priorities. If you want to exercise, then you need to make time for it. If you want to spend more time with your family and playing WoW, then you need to do that.

But whatever you pick, at that point you really can't get all worked up over not being able to do everything. Time is limited, you have to pick what is important.

Shawn said...

I think thats part of it, but I there is more to it. What has happened, is I've shaped my priorities around the ideal day.

The problems start when I have to rework my priorities on the fly due to some external factor. And that gets compounded by the fact that "ideal" days seem to be coming fewer and farther apart.

So then it becomes a matter of taking a step back and saying, "Well, if this is the way my days are going to be more often, how do I rework my priorities to fit into that new framework?"

That's that part where the changes come in, and as you've said, something has to give. I'm just a tad mad at myself for letting exersize be the defacto first thing to go.