Friday, May 09, 2008


The first 4 day weekend is here, and what happens? I get a cold that hits me first thing this morning. Seriously... wtf? What on earth did I do to deserve that? Oh well, I'm not going to let a little thing like that stop me from having fun this weekend.

Last night was the Twin Cities 1 Mile run. Sort of a silly event, but a lot of prize money to be given out. I settled on a goal of 6 minutes, and was able to do 5:51!!! That time puts me REALLY close to the top 10% overall. (220 out of 1893) And to think... $10,000 dollars was a mere 1:51 within my grasp.

Before the run, I had a small dinner of pasta and one garlic bread. I sort of regret that decision, but the timing of the event (7:30pm) made it so I couldn't go all night without food!

During the run, I was afraid I was pushing to hard. I started out near the front of the pack at something just above a 5 minute pace. I knew obviously I was going faster then my body could handle but figured, what the hell, it's only 6 minutes right? Somewhere around the half mile mark I figured I was done for. In other words, straight up quit.

Somehow I kept going, even though I dropped my pace down hard. Then I saw the finish line and bursted with every thing I had left.

After the run, I felt sick to my stomach. I got a bad metallic taste in my mouth, which my friend explained to me was lactic acid. I have no clue how the body works under these situations, so I had to do some goggling today. One of my toes started burning as well, turns out a blister formed + popped all within that single mile. Not quite sure how that happens.... Maybe it was just there all along and I didn't realize it.

It was a fun time, and now I have to wait until Saturday to find out if I get selected as one of the 400 people for the TC 10 miler. My odds are about 1 in 5 to get selected, not too bad really.

Now, if only I could find some way to stop checking my damn work email while on my 4 day break!


brent said...

why is a 1-mile race any more silly than a 3.1-mile race? kind of all the same thing. good times, the shirt is cool too.

i think i'm now getting sick as well but i will blame a co-worker who has been sneezing all week.

forgot to mention i pretty much had to run non-stop and at a pretty decent pace all the way back to the finish line in order to see the women's finish (i heard someone yell that they had started and i had to haul it for a few more blocks.

brent said...

hey the drawing just got posted.

as predicted by you, my name was drawn and your name was not. stupid!!!!!!!!!!!!