Indiana Jones was... umm... so anyway, Dungeons and Dragons finally on Sunday night! I'd say it went about what I expected, but not exactly what I had hoped it could be. One of the players couldn't show up until later in the evening, so we mostly just wasted time until then. I suppose it's my own damn fault for being the only one that actually likes to role play, as opposed to roll play. (if you don't get that... oh well) It also doesn't help that I know the rules back to front, and I cringed every time a rule was broken, ignored, or otherwise randomly changed. (I was even guilty once myself) I guess that's what I get for being a DM and memorizing all my source books. I'm already planning my triumphant DM return in '09. AD&D 4th Edition anyone? Why YES, it IS my birthday in 16 days now that you mention it!
Monday was a strange day... started with an early morning run, in the sun. Very hot, and so I wanted to get Megan out for her first bike ride. My neighbor let me borrow his bike carriage. Got Megan all ready, sunscreen everywhere, shorts and T-shirt... Wait? Where is the sun? Why is it so cold? QUICK, coat, blanket! Despite the drastic change, we went for the ride anyway. Megan had a great time. I stopped after a short distance to make sure she was doing okay. I went to open the cover and she immediately said NO, and grabbed to put it back in place. Obviously, I should get one of these for more rides!
Is that Air Megan? Or is she just excited?
Megan helping Daddy, obviously I'm not going fast enough.
All ready to go! (minus the blanket and coat which came right after)
We only rode a few miles (6) in total. Going up hills against the wind with her in tow was a bit hard. We went to a local park where a pot-luck was going on that our neighbors were at, and then I just rode around Apple Valley, stopping at another park for some more play time. The cool part about going to a park in the bike carriage, was that when it was time to go, Megan was excited to leave instead of crying or being mad about leaving.
Not much else on tap this week. Andrea is having a friend of hers over this weekend, I'm having a friend over the following weekend. That same weekend is also a half marathon I just signed up for, so hopefully this nice cool/sunny morning weather holds out for awhile.
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