Saturday, May 24, 2008

Errr, what was that?

That... that was a pigeon. It's funny how you can have this great idea for a blog only to completely blank when finally sitting down to write. I blame the massive headache I woke up with this morning.

It was from a combination of a few things: dehydration (most likely the main cause), calorie deficit, and too much sleep. They all added up to one nasty pain upstairs. So I did what any normal person would do waking up with such a large headache. I took two Excedrin and went for a 10 mile run.

Okay, so maybe not the best solution, but whatever. It worked, my headache was gone by the time I got home. But the first mile or so was rough. Every step shot pain from my temple down through the back of my eyeballs. It was fun, really!

I know I haven't posted much about Megan's recent progress - and trust me, there is TONS! But it's hard to post the good without the bad. On the positive side, she is picking up new words all the time, and will often attempt to say new words when asked. Some of my favorites are "awesome" (ahh-dum) and "rainbow" (bane-boo). She even recently put two words together, "more bubbles". Aside from words, she can identify and say a large amount of individual letters and is even recognizing written words like "up" or "mommy".

On the negative side is her frustration. She still gets very frustrated being unable to ask us what she wants or what she wants us to do. This results in her striking out, quite often at me. And let me tell you, that little girl packs quite a wallop. The 2 year old hitting factor is a well known part of the terrible twos, but that doesn't make it any easier. I don't think there is going to be any quick fix to her hitting, so for now I'll just focus on preventing it and communicating with her why it's wrong. I'm not 100% sure on the timeout factor yet, some "experts" say it just isn't effective before 3. I can only hope this hitting phase is short lived - it only started a few weeks ago.

Anyway, at least it's only Saturday, and 2 more days off to enjoy. Tomorrow will be Indiana Jones (which by all accounts, should suck hard) and... drum roll... DUNGEONS AND DRAGONS! Yes, finally after a month of hoping for a first session as a player, it's finally going to happen. I think the 4 other people I play with have the worst combination of weekend jobs possible, making it damn near impossible to get time to play together. I suppose it doesn't help, I have no other hobbies right now either...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Timeouts can work with two year olds if used consistently! I've been using them with Luke for a while and he does really well with them (he turned 2 in March). He knows exactly where to go sit and he knows he can't get up unitl I tell him he can. And he calms down and gives me a hug after. It can work!!! Good luck!