Friday, May 30, 2008

Sleep is overrated

It's 10pm and I don't want to goto bed yet. Why? Because it's Friday damnit! As expected, the rest of this week was pretty uneventful. Okay well not completely. I happened to notice over the weekend, some water under our water heater. Prior to that, I had noticed that some of the laminate tiles outside the laundry room were warping a little bit. Turns out it has been this slow leak that we didn't pick up on until now. End result? Had to get a new water heater this week.

Ugh, just another reason owning a house can sometimes suck. Someone tell me home ownership is all worth it in the end? Please? It's hard to see it sometimes. Andrea and I started making a list of "Everything we'd probably need to fix if we wanted to sell this house." It ended up getting LONG and just saying it all out loud made me groan at how much it would probably cost for it all.

So where was I? Oh yes... I bet you're wondering what a guy with no hobbies does to fill his evenings now. It's quite scary actually. I started reading about RPGA. What's that you ask? It's the Roleplaying Gamers Association of course! Out of raw boredom, I thought maybe I'd sign up or whatever and try to get free stuff out of the deal. They even have an online test to become part of the "GM Program". Turns out, I'd actually have to show up at some random hobby store where someone is running an "official" RPGA game and ask for a "sign up sheet". I decided that was way too much work, and my strangeness has it's limits. The last thing I need is to start aspiring to achieve "Grand-Master Level GM".


Unknown said...

Hey Grim/Shawn,

This is my 2nd attempt to post so hope the first is just not delayed. Anyway saw your post on the DA boards and thought I would stop by and say hi. I am very glad to hear things are going good for you and yours. Life takes funny twists and turns sometimes but if you keep moving forward it hopefully straightens out. I met a lot of good people in EQ and it is kinda sad sometimes when they just disappear and you never know what happened to them. I am glad to find you here. I enjoyed reading your blog and will check back in often to keep up with it.

Phad Steadfast/Phil

Shawn said...


Blast from the past, thanks for coming by! I honestly wondered if anyone from the original gang was still reading those forums. I can't believe how long ago that was. To think I was 22 when I first started EQ, and I turn 32 next week!

I'll drop you an email later this week.


Unknown said...

Some of the old folks still come by the DA boards but not as often as they used to. They pissed a lot of the new members off by trolling and kind of wore out their welcome (grin). Most of the old folks are still playing WoW and slowly but surely getting disillusioned with it. They are mostly on Illidan and used to have a guild there but it finally broke up and most of the serious plays went to a guild called Black Cell. I got tired of WoW last year and have basically stopped playing. I still log on every once in a while but it is pretty rare these days. I mess around some with EVE-Online which is more science fiction oriented but am much more casual these days (grin). Will look forward to hearing from you.