Thursday, July 28, 2005

Bad Luck Good Luck

Tonight's post was supposed to be about my first St. Paul Saints baseball game. I was going to take pictures, post interesting commentary, etc. Instead, it gets to be about my luck, both good and bad. The plan for tonight was to have Andrea pick me up from work downtown and we would then head over to Midway Stadium for the Saints game. Pretty simple right? Well, it started out okay. Andrea picked me up, and we headed towards the ballpark.

Just last week, Andrea was complaining about the A/C in her car not working. Next time I was in her car, the A/C was working fine - okay, so maybe it was a fluke? On the way to the game, the A/C stopped working again. Hmmm.. odd. Oh well, its a nice day out, roll the windows down and go on. Waiting at a left turn light, smoke started coming out of the hood! So we quickly pull over to a side road and pop the hood. The engine was obviously overheating, the coolant boiling over (not from the radiator, but from the coolant tank). So this is where you are thinking, "Oh man, that's some bad luck."

No, this is Shawn you are talking about. My wife calls me "charmed", my family thinks I'm insanely lucky. I've always called it, "Things always seem to work out for me." So as we are standing there, looking at this overheated engine, 2 guys walk up to us:

"Hey, what's up? We just got off work at the repair shop down the street, what seems to be the problem?"

They then spent a few minutes pointing out the problem, which ended up being the cooling fan not turning on. (so either a temperature sensor or a fan motor) More importantly, they let us know about a couple car shops within a few blocks that were open until 8pm. What were the odds? Who knows, maybe I should go buy a lottery ticket tomorrow. Anyway, thanks again you 2 random car mechanics, for helping us out and reminding me that perhaps Minnesota nice still does exist.

We thought maybe we could walk the remaining 3-4 miles to the ballpark, but in the end, the Applebee's at the end of the block seemed more inviting. Andrea had already been walking all day at the Minnesota Zoo. We called Mom to pick us up, and left the car in the shop over night. Tomorrow? Car shopping for Andrea!! Mommy gets a new pair of shoes! (or a new car, as the case may be)


Mike said...

Oh man, the way you were talking I was thinking you were about to get mugged. Good think you don't live in Indianapolis!

Are you going the Hybrid route for your new car?

Shawn said...

No, Andrea had her sights set on a specific car, see my latest post for more info. :-)