Thursday, September 22, 2005

Back to the Future

I feel better! To celebrate, I of course went for a bike ride tonight. 24 miles in 1 hour 37 minutes. It felt great to get back out on the road after a week off. It's SO weird to think I haven't had more then 3 days between bike rides in almost 3 months. Wow! It was a great summer of biking and I'm looking forward to more of the same next year. Maybe a few more times out yet this year, but soon the weather will be too cold for that. Thus begins Phase 2 of my Master Weight Loss Plan.

Phase 2 consists of me staying home from work for 2 months to help take care of Megan. At the same time, I'm going to get a Lifetime membership and try to build up some good habits while I have time off work that will carry over once I go back. I will probably pay to spend some time with a personal trainer, go over my goals and come up with a good long term plan for me. If you had asked me 4 months ago if I thought I could lose 40 lbs in 4 months, I'd say you were crazy. Yet here I sit, chomping on my apple, sipping my water, 40 lbs lighter thinking - you know what? Anything is possible! It's a pretty exhilarating feeling.

It's been awhile since I could honestly say that I'm really looking forward to the future. I've always been a big advocate of living for the moment. But sometimes when you focus too much on the moment you can lose sight of the purpose, whatever that might be for you. And when I talk about looking forward to the future, I'm not talking about some specific vision. There is simply too much uncertainty. No, the future I am looking forward to is simply the unknown future. When I think about all the ways my life is changing, I can't help but smile. That's the future I'm looking forward to. Is my life perfect? Of course not. Are there aspects of my life I'd still like to work on? You bet. But that lingering feeling that anything is possible really puts a new light on things.

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