Thursday, September 08, 2005

Daddy Dance

I love short weeks. All of a sudden its Friday and you can hardly remember how you got there. So fast, I can't even think of anything interesting to post. I did get to see my old college roommate last night who had to leave New Orleans. I'm glad they are safe and sounds like they might be staying in MN for good depending on how things go. Very interesting to get the perspective of someone that actually had to leave.

The weather tonight is looking great for a nice bike ride, I wasn't sure about that considering how I was woken by thunder. One last bike ride before the "official" one this weekend. It's almost going to be sort of anti climatic considering I have biked just as far many times now. It was still nice having a goal, now I just have to make sure and keep it up. Hopefully there is one good month of biking left before it gets too cold. The winter months will bring a whole host of new challenges, the least of which will be my health. :-)

The countdown to Fatherhood has officially begun, and I'm getting really excited now. Just a few nights ago I did the "Daddy Dance" around my basement in excitement. I'm also really nervous about the whole birth process and what Andrea has to go through. I feel horrible sometimes when I think about how much of the burden of childbirth is placed on her shoulders. I just hope things go as best as they can and that we have as few complications as possible.

This weekend is our last baby shower, I'm honestly unsure what else we can get. We already have SOOO much baby clothes, it's crazy. We even have most of the basics covered, but I guess there is always something you forget. It will also be nice to see some of my family that I haven't seen in awhile.

I also have a big AD&D session set for tomorrow night, and we are going to start at a decent time for once. I have some cool things planned, I think everyone will have fun. I'll have to write up a larger post about it on Sunday, along with a report on the bike ride.

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