Monday, September 12, 2005

Best laid plans of mice and men

Wow, I just realized Blogger rhymes with Frogger, which is a really cool game. I used to play it as a kid. I also don't have much interesting to write tonight, can you tell?

Friday night was AD&D night with the guys. I spent a decent amount of time getting ready this week, but I still failed in a few things. I told Andi earlier in the week that it's not easy trying to provide entertainment for 4 grown men. Her response of course was a sarcastic, "Ya tell me about it!" One of the things that I failed at was helping the players connect plot pieces. In my mind, it all makes sense, because I'm the guy writing the story. But to them, they are seeing bits and pieces and sometimes, even though they have all the information, it's not readily apparent how it all fits together. I ended up having to lay it out for them because at one point they didn't understand why they were doing what they were doing. In the end, it came down to the fact that they had forgotten a few pieces of information from 2 sessions back. I think somehow in the future, I will just have to put more emphasis on important information. The second thing I need to work on is descriptions of people, places and things. It's hard to describe how someone looks when you don't at least think about it ahead of time. Otherwise, everyone becomes a faceless guy or girl with nothing interesting about them. I think the trick is to write at least one paragraph descriptions about each major NPC prior to introducing them to any sessions. Ahhh... the joys of a nerd life. The other day, someone told me the difference between a Nerd and a Geek. Apparently, a Geek is a Nerd with a social life. Does AD&D qualify?

Saturday we had our last Baby Shower - got lots of cool things, a high chair, a stair gate and a very cool crib set. Also, my sister in law showed us something she was working on, a quilt with a cute hand stitched pattern. She was working on it for a long time while living with us, and we always had to be very careful when she was in her bedroom so we didn't find out!

Sunday was my 30-mile bike tour. It wasn't a race, although we sure did finish in record time! I'll post more about that once I get some pictures from Steve, he's going to email them to me in the next few days. Until then, you can check out his blog for some pictures of our ride.

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