Sunday, September 18, 2005


I've been informed that after Megan is born, I will be losing my Dungeon Master status. I guess it makes sense, even though I will be off work I probably won't have much time to design adventures. Honestly though, I'm not quite sure about my DMing skills anyway. I can't seem to keep the pace of the adventures going at times, my players are constantly bickering, and none of them seem to have any motivation (i.e. my previous post "Why are we doing this!!"). Last nights session was a simple dungeon crawl, the first dungeon crawl in 5 sessions of gaming. Did they have a reason to be in this particular dungeon? Yes. Did they necessarily have to explore the entire thing from start to finish? No... but damn is it annoying spending 3 hours developing a dungeon only to have your players decide they are done after exploring 40% of it. Only one of my players seemed to get that, and he also tried to convince me that it wasn't my failing as a DM that dragged down the pace of the sessions, but the players fault. I guess I agreed to some extent, there are some... Interesting personalities in the mix. Needless to say, even if we do manage to have one more session before Megan arrives, I'll probably just wrap up the few loose ends, let them finish the main "mission" they were on, and call it quits. At that point someone else in the group is going to take over as DM.

Health Setbacks:
Thursday morning I didn't feel so hot, but I didn't have a temperature and I figured, if things got worse I'd rather take Friday off as a sick day, and not Thursday. (there was no real way I could take both days off). Thursday night after I got home, I took my temp again and it was 101. I still wanted to get one last bike ride in before I felt too bad, so I met up with Steve at our prearranged location. Steve convinced me I probably shouldn't be biking with a temperature like that, and he was right. My temp stayed at 101 for 3 days accompanied with headaches and sore throat. Saturday I decided to goto the Doctor. The initial strep throat test came back negative, so I'm currently waiting for the results of the 24 hour culture. Anyway, long story short, I obviously haven't been doing any exercising lately. On the plus side, you'd be amazed at how much your body burns up when you have 101 temp for 3 days. My weight actually went down, probably due to burned up water weight. I think I am going to focus on re-hydration today and just go nuts with the water. We also ordered pizza last night, and that probably wasn't the best decision all things considered.


Adam said...

I hope you're feeling better. Did you guys not make it down to Rochester this past weekend (I'm assuming)? How did the fantasy team fare this week, even with the disaster that is the Vikings QB/Offense? Well, give us a call if you guys are heading this way anytime... we'll be back and forth between here and the Cities for the next couple of weeks. Let us know.

Shawn said...

Yes, we ended up skipping the Rochester trip. I was all gung ho even with my fever, but I ended up going to the Doctor on saturday afternoon. All of a sudden it was 2pm and I was like... ugh lets just go home. Besides, that way I wouldn't risk getting other people sick.

Fantasy football blows... I'm undecided on if I am going to pull Culpepper or not. What do you think? Give him one more week or bench him for K. Collins?

Adam said...

Well... I like to "play the match-ups" and this week Oakland plays Philly and the ViQueens play New Orleans. I'd say Dante has a good shot at having a big game this week. After this week, if things don't improve, then I would pull him and only put him back in after 3 or 4 consecutive weeks of consistantly good play (or of course when Oakland is on bye). Hope that helps...good luck! By the way, I have officially shifted my alligance to the Saints and will be rooting for them this week...

Anonymous said...

"I've been informed that after Megan is born, I will be losing my Dungeon Master status."

I hope people know it wasn't me that asked you to step down...just wanted to make that clear!

Andrea (the wife)

Shawn said...

Hahaha, no of course not. I didn't mean to imply such either - no, this has something my players wanted to do. (one player in particular that really wants to be Dungeon Master)

Scooter said...

You know - I was looking for other people that had biked the St. Paul bike classic and liked beer - and there was you - and then I saw "Steve's" blog in the blogroll and realized you must be Steve Eck's friend, Shawn. The blogworld is very tiny once you start narrowing down your subject by locale. Big a big "howdy" from Scooter at Convince Steve to bring you along for a board gaming day some time - guests are always welcome.