Monday, September 26, 2005

Fantasy Football, week 3

I didn't make any changes to my line up this week. I left Daunte in simply because I didn't like my alternative option. Turns out I made the right choice, seeing as how the Vikings crushed the Saints. Obviously everyone is still criticizing the Vikings even with a win, but that's what sports reporters are supposed to do. The problem is that one of my WR was out this week on a BYE and I didn't swap someone else in for him. So I might end up losing anyway. Okay, so I suck at this whole Fantasy Football thing. Sue me!

QBD. Culpepper
WRA. Johnson
WRD. Driver
WRE. Kennison
RBT. Barber
RBS. Jackson
TEJ. Kleinsasser
WR/RBKe. Johnson
KS. Graham
DA. Wilson
DD. Sharper

Update: Well somehow I pulled out a victory this week, mainly because Daunte did such a good job. But you know what? I still might pull him for this coming weekend. I'm not sure he has 2 good games in him. Anyway, it won't really matter much because next week I go up against Val, and she is friggen 3-0.

Record: 1-2

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