Wednesday, September 20, 2006

How fast is Fast?

I didn't have much time to exercise tonight, but I really wanted to get something in. I took my bike out, only to see that one of the pedals was basically broke. Steve had told me as much, but I hadn't inspected it closely until tonight. In frustration, I put on my running shoes and headed out.

Since I didn't have much time, I ran a quick loop I've run many times, only I tried to run it as fast as I possibly could. What was the result?

Note - I also figured out how to zoom in on my run data, so it's somewhat more interesting to look at.

Mile 1 - 8:14
Mile 2 - 8:00
Mile 3 - 8:01
Mile 4 - 7:47

4 miles in 32 minutes. Yikes... so 2 new accomplishments this week. First I ran the farthest I've ever run, and now I've run the fastest I've ever run. I can't say for sure how much farther I could have gone at that pace. I felt like I was pushing my limits, and that's all that mattered.

This weekend I'm going to be running part of the 10 mile course in prep for the final run. I did that earlier this year with my first 10k and it worked out really well. I just hope the weather isn't TOO bad over the next 2 weeks. I don't really have any cold running gear, so I might have to do some shopping this weekend.

Oh, another side note - I just hit 3 months at my new job yesterday. Go me!

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