Thursday, September 28, 2006

End of Summer

The leaves are changing and the cold weather is coming in. Think it will be interesting how every year, Megan's birthday will mark the end of summer. All I know, is I'm super excited about this:

I really hope that forecast is correct for my run on Sunday, that would be just great.

I can't believe Megan is going to be one year old in just a short while. Yesterday morning, Andrea took Megan to Gerten's. They got to do all sorts of fun stuff for free: painting pumpkins, a hay ride, and they even provided free snacks of cookies and apple juice.

Then they headed down to New Ulm to stay the night with Grandma & Grandpa Bieraugel. I took the opportunity to enjoy a night of gaming. Yes, my life is just that exciting, I know.

Tomorrow night Andrea is heading up to St. Cloud for a church leadership conference. Megan and I will be rocking out at home - I'm unsure at this point if we are going to go pick up my race packet Friday night or Saturday afternoon.

Now that Megan is getting older, Andrea and I are not 100% sure on how to handle her eating. What to feed her, how much to feed her, etc. We are trying to expand what she eats, but we really want to stop relying so much on things like crackers and pudding.

I think it's just a matter of trying lots of different things, and keeping lots of healthy options available. The hard part will be not going the easy route and only giving Megan the sweet and sugary things she is already craving. We are planning on trying to get as much advice as we can at her 1-year check up coming next month. In the meantime, she'll enjoy her yogurt, puddings, and honey graham crackers.

Now, back to watching Scary Movie 4!

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