Friday, September 01, 2006

Check please

Nothing too interesting happened this week, thus the lack of posts. Last night I tried to do my normal run around the lake near my work, only to find the entire 2.3 mile paved path had been completely ripped up. At first I started running on this soft dirt path thinking "Well, they must be working on this part..." and that I'd be off it shortly. That never happened, and instead I ran the entire thing on this crappy dirt path.

I shifted to a north trail after that into uncharted territory and ran around a different lake that I had never done before. If anything, it only added a short distance to what I normally wanted to do, but it was really nice to get something new in the routine. I'll probably start doing that northern trail more often.

Not much planned this weekend... just a relaxing 3-day. Only exciting thing is Sunday I will be having a Texas No Limit Hold'em night at my place. Looks to be 7 guys this time, should be a pretty fun time. I'll report more on Monday.

Can't believe its Sept already, and this month is just going to fly by. I have things going on pretty much every weekend. Thankfully, the next two weeks of work are 4-day weeks, so that will be pretty sweet. In mid-Sept we are taking a weekend to go up to a cabin on Gull Lake, near Brainerd with some friends. (12 people total?). We are going to drop Megan off at my Aunt and Uncle's house in St. Cloud, and be Megan free for the whole weekend! Should be a very nice little weekend get-a-way for us.

Not much new to report on Megan, she isn't walking yet and hasn't taken any first steps or anything. (trust me, we try!) She has finally got over her fear of the ball-popper game, and enjoys it much more now. She cruises along furniture and is starting to point at things she wants, and moaning. Not really forming words yet, but definitely trying harder to communicate. She is also very demanding of our attention lately, more so then ever before. Often times we could set her down with some toys and she would be fine for a significant amount of time. Not anymore, she wants us to be near her or playing with her almost all the time.

Tomorrow is another long run, and the weather is saying rain. Should be interesting... since I can no longer run at a gym, I might be stuck with a wet run!

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