Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Insurance is a scam

Today ended up being nice for an outside run. A little windy, but cool and no humidity. I was glad to get outside, as work has me all out of whack. For the first time, I'm getting past some of the red tape / middle management in order to get my job done. Sometimes I feel like I'm making more enemies then friends, but at the end of the day at least I can feel proud of what I am working on and feel like I am really putting my best effort into it. I can't control how other people approach their job, I can only control my own approach. Reminding myself of that can sometimes be exactly what I need to stay positive about it all.

I came home to some unfortunate news. Andrea was on the phone with someone as I walked in the door, and the look and tone of her voice indicated it was not a pleasant phone call. Turns out it was our home owners insurance company informing us that they were dropping us. Since I didn't field the call, I don't know exactly how they defined the reasons for dropping us, but Andrea specifically asked if it was because of our recent claim, and they said no. It makes me wonder if that is just a standard lie that the insurance companies tell people when they drop them for making a claim.

To be honest? I'm glad they dropped us, they have sucked from the very beginning. Not sure if I ever blogged about the time they sent us a letter telling us they were dropping us, only to follow up with a letter saying it was a mistake. In between those two letters Andrea spent all this time and effort to find us new home owners insurance. Hopefully that will end up being time well spent, as we will probably go with the company that Andrea originally did all the setup with.

Anyway, long story short - stress sucks, but I think we'll be okay. We have Valleyfair coming up this weekend, and that should be fun. I'm looking forward to the new roller coaster and hitting up the Power Tower a bunch. I just love that ride.

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