Monday, April 03, 2006

Case of the Mondays

Oddly enough, I've never used that as a blog title yet. I would never have guessed...

Where to begin? I don't even know. I guess I'll just start with a recap of the weekend and make up for the missed post yesterday. Saturday started out okay - Andrea was feeling lots better, and I was able to head out for my run at noon. It was kind of cold and windy out, but hey, at least it wasn't raining. I ran to my Mom's house which by my estimation, is somewhere around 5 miles.

After that, I just chilled out until roleplaying. Friend of mine called me and asked if he could come along, curious about what our sessions are like. My guess is he is regretting that decision now. :-) We spent a good 4 hours doing nothing but finishing up characters. I was worried that was going to happen... and then finally we actually played a little for 2 hours, and when 1:30am rolled around, and I was like "Well, this is a good stopping point." everyone looked mad at me. Well, whatever, it was really 2:30am due to day light savings time and I was tired. I had just run 5 miles that day and been up since 6am taking care of Megan.

So Sunday rolls around and things are going okay. I get a bug in me to go blow some money on new video games: Kingdom Hearts 1 & 2. Played that all sunday afternoon. When evening arrived, Megan decided to have a tough night. Now, to say that things get "tense" around the Anderson house on tough Megan nights would be an understatement. I'd like to think that learning how to cope with these nights, and Andrea and I learning how to deal with each other during these times will really help us both become stronger people... but that doesn't make the tough nights any easier. Thankfully, tonight was pretty easy.

So... work... ya. Andrea doesn't ask me about work anymore, she knows I'd prefer that. Today was probably one of the worst Mondays I've had thus far. I don't even want to get into the details. I left work in such a bad mood, I had to repeat (out loud) "It's only work, it's only work..." while trying to calm myself with deep breaths.

24 years, 8 months, 27 days, and 59 minutes till retirement. Sweet.

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