Saturday, April 01, 2006

Sick day for Andrea

My Friday started off pretty well. I got to work early, got a lot done. And free lunch was coming! Then I got an IM (instant message) from Andrea about 8am saying she felt really bad, like she was going to throw up. I told her to call me if it gets worse, and that I'd find some way to get home. Remember that I take the bus to work every day, so getting home in the morning/early afternoon isn't exactly the easiest thing sometimes.

We headed out for our group lunch at 11am. Turns out it was at Chevy's btw. When we got there, I jokingly said "So we're all getting Margarita right?" Turns out I wasn't too far off. The dynamics of the meal after that got weird... the conversation went something like this:

Boss's boss: We're getting beer right?
Boss: If you get a beer I'll get a beer.
Me (to boss): Well if he gets a beer, and you get a beer, I'll get a beer!

Long story short, we all got beers (cept 1 person who was sick, and 1 woman who is trying to lose weight for her June wedding). Not only that, but most of the guys got "Talls" (aka 24 oz beers?). I stuck with a Light Corona, but still... Very interesting. Everyone was a bit surprised when I said this was my first time in 8 years of working that I had ever had a beer "on the job" as it where.

Okay so where was I? Oh yes - so when I got back from lunch, there was an IM waiting for me from Andrea. She had thrown up shortly after 11am, and needed me to come home. I made a few phone calls, to no avail. Turns out I would either have to take a cab home or a bus. I checked the bus schedule, and there JUST so happened to be a bus coming by that would take me home. I got outside and literally, 10 seconds later the bus I needed came by. If I had missed that one, I would have needed to take a $20+ dollar cab or wait another hour for a bus.

By the time I got home, Andrea had thrown up again. I got Megan and took care of both my princesses as best I could. I think it was some kind of 24 hour stomach flu, because we are pretty sure it wasn't any type of food issue. We will see how she is feeling today, I might have to change some of my plans. Hopefully I'll still get to go roleplaying, but if she just isn't feeling up to taking care of Megan all night then I'll just have to skip it.

At least I had a really good excuse for not posting on the final day of my Blog-O-Thon yesterday!! Happy April Fools Day everyone.

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