Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Apple Valley Parade

Yesterday we went to check out a July 4th parade here in the great city of Apple Valley. It was really convenient for us, since the parade went by only 3 miles from our house. So off we went to check it out!

It was okay - Megan got scared (and cried a little bit) when one of the semi trucks blew it's loud horn. But she was okay once we were there looking at the floats. Honestly though, I don't know if you could call most of them floats. It was just flat bed trucks with people sitting / standing in the back. There were a few interesting actual floats mixed in with all sorts of advertising. Good times!

After an hour, we had our fill and headed home. I didn't really want to keep Megan out in the sun much longer, plus it was getting to hot for my tastes anyway. Here are a few pictures:

Nice costumes. They must have been hella hot.

Tired & Cute.

Unicycle the entire parade?

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