Sunday, July 16, 2006

True Motivation

Here is a little story I've told a few people recently, so if you already know this - I apologize.

2 years ago, I went to Valleyfair with Andrea, my brother and his wife. It had to be 2 summers ago because Andrea was not pregnant at the time. During this visit to Valleyfair something happened that was just another thing in a long list of motivating factors for me to lose weight. You see, we all got in line for the new ride Steel Venom. There was only one problem... after getting on to the ride, it turns out I did not fit. That's right, I was so overweight that the over the shoulder thing would not latch. I was more embarrassed then I'd ever been in my life, not to mention just depressed that something like that could happen to me.

Yesterday, we headed to Valleyfair again, complements of my new job. 4 free tickets and a free lunch, not a bad deal at all. First, we went on Enterprise. It's pretty much a requirement of going to Valleyfair that you do that one first! Second up, was Steel Venom!

This year, I fit with more then enough room to spare. It's hard to see in the above picture, but if you can see the little belt clip on the right side - that is the part that would not clip in before. It felt pretty good knowing how far I had come, and the best part was actually enjoying the ride!

Speaking of how far I've come, I pretty much achieved one of my goals for this month already:

Finally, after about 14 months of work, I have a "1" in the front of my weight!! Simply amazing. Now all I have to do is keep it up for the next, oh 15-20 years. That's more of the hard part, I would imagine. Next week I'm going to be meeting with a personal trainer for an hour - not sure how useful it will be, but I will try to get the most out of it that I can.

Last night was really weird - after we got home from Valleyfair I was just beat. I suppose spending all day in 100 degree weather will do that to you. At around 6pm, I asked Andrea if I could take a nap, she said sure. Next thing I know it's 9pm and she is coming to bed... I thought about getting up, but just didn't see the point. Instead, I went back to sleep all the way through to 5am. Crazy! I must be getting old. But I got up and got a bike ride in before 7am, so that was pretty nice.

Just put Megan down to sleep, she was getting tired on my lap while I was blogging. It's so nice that she can still fall asleep in my arms.


brent said...

cool shawn, thats awesome. nice work!

Anonymous said...

Interesting site. Useful information. Bookmarked.

Anonymous said...

Your are Nice. And so is your site! Maybe you need some more pictures. Will return in the near future.