Monday, August 21, 2006

Case of the Monday Pictures

Just some pictures today...

Megan and Mommy playing the clapping game.

Megan being cute, resting her head.

Saturday night we baby sat a little girl, about 6 weeks younger then Megan. The two of them had a great time together.

Andrea showing Megan how to share!

The idea behind this toy, was you put the balls in the top and they would roll down into the thing. Then a motor blowing air would pop the balls back out again, to roll down again, etc. Apparently Megan played with this toy at another persons house and liked it. Only problem was, when we tried it, it sounded a lot like a vacuum and all it did was scare the crap out of Megan! Maybe she will grow into it...?

Megan and her crazy Dad!!


Anonymous said...

very cute pictures! Is she walking yet?

Anonymous said...

No, not walking yet, but she's close! She is however cruising along using furniture.