Saturday, August 19, 2006

10k Devil

This morning looked gloomy and like any minute it was going to dump buckets of rain on us. We packed up our stuff and Megan and headed out. My Grandma lives just a few blocks from the start of the 10k, so we dropped Megan off there and headed over. At first there wasn't a lot of people there, but it grew quickly. I even bumped into someone from my old job.

Somehow we lucked out and the rain never came, and in fact, the weather turned out great. A nice cool breeze coming off the lake, and eventually some sun coming out towards the end of the race.

Andrea did great, and I am so proud of her. She has been a great inspiration for me in the past, and now I'm trying to do the same for her. Problem is, I sometimes push too hard or in the wrong ways. I would try to be encouraging, but it just came out like I was the evil 10k devil guy. Andrea was a runner long before I ever started. She never let my lazy life style be an excuse for her to not exercise. She has always been more health conscious than me, and it's for those very reasons I've gotten to where I am today. 10k might not be the perfect distance for her, but she finished strong and that's just awesome!

The really interesting thing, is even hours after the race, she was already having those exact same thoughts I was having after my first 10k: What next?

Also this weekend, my sister-in-law is doing the Breast Cancer 3-day walk. 60 miles of walking over 3 days. I hope that the good weather holds out for her! Good luck Val!!

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