Tuesday, December 26, 2006

To PS3 or not to PS3, that is the question

I suppose I don't have much to complain about when the biggest dilemma in my life right now is whether or not to buy a PS3 ($600 dollars). The last 3 days went by like a blur as I knew they would. You know that they wore everyone out when at the end of it all, Megan goes to sleep at 7pm and sleeps straight through to 7:30am the next morning. She was possibly more exhausted then me!

Now I just have to survive one more day at work and I can really unwind with a long 5 day weekend, which will be just perfect. I'll get some more Christmas pictures up on Thursday after I have more time to pick out the good ones. In the meantime, I wanted to put up this picture from the Bieraugel farm, from Saturday morning. All the trees were covered in this fine layer of ice, it was quite a beautiful thing to see.

I got the one thing I really wanted for Christmas, Zelda: Twilight Princess for Game Cube. It finally came out on Dec 12th, despite possible rumors that it was never going to make it to the Game Cube. (there was talk it would end up being Wii only) So rather then waste anymore time blogging, I'm off to save Hyrule!


Steve Eck said...

I can't believe you are considering buying a PS3 when you wouldn't even shell out the money for a Wii and enjoy Zelda on the system it was meant to be experienced on.

The mind boggles.

Shawn said...

I'm crazy like that, just ask my brother. Apparently I don't like good movies anymore either. :-)

As for gaming systems... main reasons I want a PS3 are (in no particular order):

1) I don't own a PS2 but would love to in order to play classic (and new) RPGs: FFX, X2, XII(new), Dragon Quest 8... I also own two PS2 games I can't even play!(KH & KH2)
2) PS3 = FF XIII
4) I refuse to use Wii controllers
5) Odds are very bad there will ever be a new Wii only Zelda game

Steve Eck said...

Does your TV upconvert 720p? Because the PS3 won't output in 1080i yet.

Seems to me that you'd be better off buying a cheap PS2 for $120 and playing those PS2 games you have, rather then spending $600 for the PS3. In a year, maybe it'd be worth it, but right now?

Plus you can't play Guitar Hero on the PS3, so what's the point ;)

Anonymous said...

Very nice picture!