Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Choppin' Broccoli

She chopUUNNN!

It's pretty cool that Megan actually likes to eat healthy food. Oh sure, she loves cake, pizza, and cookies, but she will also ask for broccoli and even brussel sprouts. Especially the brussel sprouts, she will point and ask for them until she eats her fill. I even caught it on video for proof!

I'd post more but it's 11pm and I need to get some serious sleep. I've got to be in at 6am tomorrow to have some things done by 8, which means I'm basically getting up at what used to be 4am to get to work... Or something like that. I can hardly do the math required to figure that out.


spock74 said...

Shawn, I love you, and Megan is quite possibly the cutest thing ever, but this is the danger of YouTube. She's. Eating. Broccoli. Granted, she does it very adorably, but if she's going to eat on camera, she should be smearing it in her hair or trowing it at something. Really.

spock74 said...

Throwing, I meant throwing.