Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Happy p Day

I had once considered myself quite the math buff, yet I had never heard of PI day until today. And I call myself a geek!? Thank god I still play D&D, it's the only thing I got left to hang on to my geekdom. Although there is a good chance I might give up on that too...

Giving up. Such an interesting concept. Probably the single easiest thing one can do. I think Office Space said it best. "Well you don't need a million dollars to do nothing, man. Just take a look at my cousin, he's broke, don't do shit." I remember posting about quitting as one of my first posts. Turns out it was actually my 6th post ever. In going back to read the post, I found an anon comment from someone who had physical withdrawal symptoms (headaches, vomiting) from quitting online games. The comment came almost 10 months later, so I had never seen it until now. Interesting. Almost makes me want to go through all my old posts...

In thinking about all the things I've given up on, video games, food, drinking...(although that last one is arguable, especially considering what happened just last weekend) I wonder if maybe I've taken things a little too far. I did all this under the motivation of becoming a "better person". But what does that even mean? Have I become so obsessed with certain things that I've completely lost sight of the simple pleasures?

And in spite of all that, I find myself having thoughts of giving up on even more things. And I'm not just referring to D&D here. I'm talking about things that some small part of me still cries out that they are worth fighting for, worth holding on to. I want to listen, really I do... because the last thing I want is to give up on so much that I no longer have anything to look forward to. Not that I think it will ever get that bad, but sometimes it feels like I'm pretty damn close.

I know, I know. Why does every damn post have to be so serious/dark/brooding? Who knows... I guess because it's my blog damnit, and I'm taking it back for me! If that makes me the asshole, well it's probably not the only thing... On the plus side, I have some pictures of Megan ready to go for tomorrow so this post won't even sit on top for 24 hours. You can thank me later.

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