Saturday, March 03, 2007

Between here and there

Somehow I survived this week? I'm not even sure how... between the lack of exercise, the long nights at work, the snow storms... This week was really a downer. Yet here I sit on Saturday morning after my morning run feeling much better. If there is one thing this week showed me, it's that how tightly my mood is currently tied to my exercise / activity levels. That must mean something good, but my brain is too damn exhausted from this week to analyze it much more.

Work highlight this week... So I'm sitting in a meeting with the Project Lead, the Quality Assurance Lead, and myself. We are going over potential problems in the software, and in discussing something the QA Lead makes an off-hand comment, "Well you guys would know better then me on that one, it's your code." The Project Lead responds jokingly, "Well, at least 1/3rd of the people in this room know the code." He was of course, referring to my knowledge of the code. Not bad for 8 months... Now to just survive the next 8! HA!

Today is pretty busy, although a small lull right now gave me time to blog. In about an hour, Grandma B & Grandpa B will be arriving to visit Megan and spend the afternoon here. I'll be out running a few errands while they are here. Then tonight we will be dropping Megan off and Grandma G's, and Andrea and I will be going out for a nice date night.

First stop is this new place in Apple Valley, down off Galaxie called Luxury Sweets. It's sorta her post birthday present, since I didn't have time to really get her anything and she couldn't even leave the house on her birthday. We will be getting their specialty, Getati's!! I can't say if I've ever actually had an official Gelati, but I'm sure they will be mighty tasty.

After that we are going to head to the movies and see Zodiac. The hype says this movie should be pretty good, and I'm up for a good thriller. Only two things that kind of stick out... first, it's 160 minutes (2 hour 40 mins!) long. Second, since it's based on true events, you pretty much already know the bad guy gets away / doesn't get caught? It might be kind of rough to sit through 160 minutes of movie when you already know the ending...

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