Saturday, March 31, 2007

One Two Punch

Pink eye and ear infection. Not exactly the thing you want to hear a day before vacation. Megan had been more moody then usual all week, including some weird night time crying and needing extra soothing for bed, etc. She has been sick with a cold (along with Andrea) for probably the last week and half. Thursday I came home and noticed that one of her eyes looked a little darker then the other, and seemed to have a film / wetness to it.

Andrea took Megan in to the doc the next morning, and sure enough she has both pink eye AND an ear infection all at once. When it rain it pours. We have to do drops in her eyes every 3 hours and amoxicillin twice a day for the ear infection.

Andrea's parents have still agreed to take Megan for us today and over night, so we can enjoy the night off at a hotel in New Ulm. Megan did actually sleep all night last night (from midnight till 8am) so maybe she is feeling a little better. In the meantime, I'm going to try and enjoy my 3-day weekend as much as humanly possible.

Andrea got a free medium pizza from Old Chicago for her birthday, so we went there and Megan got a balloon!

So thats why none of my DVDs will read anymore...

I just liked this picture, Megan looks so cute!

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