Saturday, June 03, 2006

Heading into the last week

I kept wanting to post all week. Every night I'd be thinking, "I should really set aside some time to post." But I just never got around to it. It's still hard to believe that in two weeks I'm going to be 30, quit a job, and start a new one. How's that for making my 30th exciting?

I got a couple nights of exercise in this week, so that was good. I keep bouncing around the 20x weight, where 2 < x < 8. Need to stay focused for a solid 3 weeks to make another dent and hit that 199 mark! Tomorrow morning I'm going to go biking with my brother, that should be fun.

So I managed to get a week off in between jobs. The reasoning for this, is because Andrea has been called to Jury duty the week starting June 12th. I don't really know if this means she will be gone all week, part of the day, or not at atll. But it works out well that I can stay home for that week, that way we don't have to worry about a babysitter or day care.

Well, it's 12:30am and I just got done feeding Megan so I should probably head to bed. More posts coming this weekend!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Super color scheme, I like it! Good job. Go on.