Thursday, October 26, 2006

Century Club

I'm in the century club! If I was in college, you might think I just drank 100 shots of beer in 100 minutes. No... I never actually got around to trying that. (or the Power Hour for that matter). It's not that Century Club I'm referring to... Naw, I'm referring to my own fabricated Century Club - I've finished 100 miles of running in a single month!

Okay, well maybe it's not that big a deal, but it's the most I've ever done by far. Only reason I got that much really is because the 10-mile race was on the 1st of this month. Kinda like cheating almost...

I realized today that there are a lot of new things with Megan that I haven't really reported on. For example, I just found out two days ago that her first year molars are pretty much all the way in. I didn't even know that! I mean, it's not like I go out of my way to go digging into her mouth...

She is very helpful with getting dressed. (or not helpful sometimes). She will put her arms into jackets or sweaters, but will also unzip them. Today she decided to take her diaper off for the first time, yikes! Still not walking, but I think she is starting to verbalize more. Not really babbling, but definitely putting some syllables together. Of course, she is dancing just as much as ever.

Today Andrea made these awesome Halloween cupcakes. They are called "Buried Alive" Cupcakes. Damn were they tasty, I had one tonight. Not sure yet what we will do with the rest, but somehow we have to get them out of the house!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Andi-will share the recipe for your cupcakes-and where did you get those arms??