Sunday, October 29, 2006

Free Hour

How about a free day? Can't believe November is right around the corner. Time is flying by, faster then it's ever felt in a long time. It seems like I'm going to blink and all of a sudden Megan will be walking and talking. She is definitely starting to assert more of her independence. If there is something she wants, she lets you know. Or if you take something she is fixated on, you will definitely know. It's pretty cool but also tough when she becomes fixated on my computer or trying to get behind the couch.

Friday night we did a little baby sitting for a friend of Andrea. All week we had been getting pumped up for our first ever It's The Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown. We were gonna sit the kids down and enjoy it all together. And then guess what happened? Some stupid District 6 debate came on instead, and we didn't get to see it! We don't even vote for District 6 people, what the hell? So lame...

Last night I got out of the house to hang out with my buddy Art. I hadn't seen him in quite some time, so that was great. We saw "The Departed" which was... okay. I wasn't a huge fan of the ending, but it couldn't have really ended any other way. The funniest part of the night was after the movie, we went to a little restaurant for some drinks. It was a little loud, and Art asked the waitress if they had any root beer. She proceeds to start listing off the beers on tap... So he tries to stop her and says, "No, ROOT beers." She stops... say, "Oh! Well... " and then proceeds to list off more tap beers? At this point we are both trying not to laugh, and we both say very loudly, ROOT BEERS! She finally got it at that point and brought over an ICB. Okay, well maybe you had to be there, but it was damn funny at the time.

Still not sure what we are going to do for Halloween. I imagine it will involve getting candy for Megan, so that we can eat it! More importantly though, we will be putting Megan in her costume again, which she has worn a few times so far. It is just adorable, so check back Tuesday for pictures of that.

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