Wednesday, October 25, 2006

I'm still here!

Lest I get labeled as a weekend blogger, I wanted to get a post up today. It's 10:23, and tonight has a chance of proving to be a very long night. Megan has a REALLY bad cold. She can hardly breath, I feel so bad for her. Luckily, after a good hour on my shoulder, she went down in her crib. Fingers crossed she gets some rest.

Hopefully next few weekends are going to be very full for me, and I'm really looking forward to them all. For the first time in a long time, I'm doing a few things I want to do on subsequent Saturday nights. Now I know, your thinking "But Shawn, you sit around and play video games on Saturday nights usually, isn't that want you want to do?" Well, not really. For the most part, I play video games as time filler. And sometimes, that just gets old. Especially when your just playing World of Warcraft for the umpteenth hour cause you have nothing better to play.

Big thing is that I'm going to try and resurrect my Dungeons and Dragons group, aiming for a first session in mid November. I realized that... although our sessions have been a mixture of success and failure, the group I have are all very good players. They enjoy the character development aspect of D&D, actually trying to give there characters personality. I'm going to be running the campaign again and I really hope to provide some quality character driven adventures. For the next few weeks, D&D is going to be my "thing". Will see if it pays off...

Next up in the life streamline process, canceling cable. That's right, I said CANCELING cable. Okay, so I haven't actually done it yet, and I'm sure it's going to be a major pain in the ass. If I had to bet, I'd put money on the fact that we will be CHARGED money to turn the cable off. I'm gonna miss Comedy Central, but that's really about it. Andrea and I both realized we just don't watch TV very much to be paying $60+ dollars a month for it. I can just get an antenna, some local channels, and I'd still even be able to get Football games in HD (cept for Monday night). I think it will be a good move, and I honestly don't think I'll miss it all that much.

Well blogger went down for awhile so this post took longer then I wanted it to. Thankfully, it's 11:30pm and Megan is still sleeping peacefully. Time for me to get some sleep, I haven't gone to bed before midnght all this week. I'm pretty wrecked each morning, but sometimes I just can't help it! Maybe I'll get some sleep this weekend... (ya right).

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