Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Always trust a dwarf

I can't decide what is more pathetic - the fact that I only have 3 actual pastimes, or the fact I had to look up how to spell "pastimes". All I could think was, "past time" but that didn't make any sense...

If I had to list my pastimes, it would look something like this, in no particular order: video games, exercising, and movies. I think I'd put roleplaying as a distant fourth past time. Okay, so maybe I have 4 pastimes. Is that a lot? Is blogging considered a pastime? Crap, maybe I have more then I thought!

Anyway, todays post is about roleplaying. The group that I originally tried to run as a Dungeon Master is starting back up again. This time, my brother has taken on the task of DM. Granted he has more free time lately, but I hope it doesn't distract from other things he should be doing...

So I made a Dwarf Cleric for our adventures. I've always loved classic fantasy dwarfs. I guess its because they are always portrayed with characteristics that I really admire. Hard working, determined, strong sense of honor and duty to friends and family. Dwarfs are known for making big personal sacrifices for the greater good of their clan (aka, a typical dwarf community). Dwarfs are also known for honesty in all things, which is a big thing I always identified with.

I suppose I consider all those traits things that I strive to do, but find that I don't always live up to. That's part of what I enjoy, but hardly ever do with roleplaying. I never get to actually to play a character personality. Instead I just end up playing as my own personality! Maybe that's why I'm a programmer and not an actor?

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