Saturday, March 25, 2006

V for Vendetta

Finally! Andrea and I were able to get out to a movie together. The last movie we saw together was the fourth Harry Potter flick, back in November. So today, as the title suggests, we saw V for Vendetta. First, before I start off, there might be minor spoilers in today's post, so if you don't want to read about this movie, then skip this!

I really enjoyed this movie, even though at the end you are still wondering "Who the hell is this guy? Why does he have semi-super powers? What experiments were done to change him into what he is now?" Those things are overshadowed by the actual plot of the movie, that being the possible future where the government has too much power.

I guess the main reason I liked the movie is that, you really aren't sure if this "V" guy is actually a brilliant mastermind or some psychotic lunatic. In the end, you have to draw your own conclusions which normally pisses me off, but for this movie, I think it did it very well.

Overall rating: 8 out of 10.

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