Sunday, March 19, 2006

I AM the Fish

Today is as good a day as any to post to do a fitness update. My last update was back at the beginning of Feb, so I figured it was about time. As I've mentioned, I've started my training program for the 10k I will be running next month. So far it's going good, although the recent snow storms have put a damper on my outdoor running. Hopefully that will pick up soon enough. I find I'm not sticking to the program as much as I thought I would. I'm wanting to run more, do more cardio, etc. Take today for example, I was scheduled to run 3.5 miles. I ran... 6.2 miles. I'm not really sure why, maybe just curiosity. Why does a dog lick himself? Because he can!

I guess the big news is that a few weeks ago, I actually reached my first major health goal. I am no longer in the "Obese" category of the BMI scale. I'm now only in the "Overweight" category. My goal is to be in the "Normal" category by Sept of this year. For a man of 6 feet, a weight of 184-220 is Overweight. Today I weighed in at 216. So basically I'm hoping to lose 20ish more over the next 6 months. Seems pretty obtainable to me.

It's really funny, I feel like so much about me has changed over the last year. But to the outside observers, I haven't changed much. I even asked Andrea the other day in what ways if any she thought I have changed in my day to day personality. All she could really come up with is that I've become more critical of my friends and family making unhealthy decisions. (which is true)

I guess some of the real tests are yet to come. It's easy to stay on track when you have goals. But once you reach all your goals, and you just have to maintain... maybe that will be harder.


Adam said...

Finding Nemo??

Anonymous said...

Yeah what happens when you finally find Nemo, what then?