Friday, March 03, 2006

The Day that Wasn't

Today was one of those days you just wish never even happened. It started out with me getting up at 4:50am in order to get to work early. My morning started out okay until I was blind sided by a conference call from one of our clients with 5+ people in a meeting. I tried my best to answer their questions but still felt like I just had no clue wtf I was talking about. That culminated into an email I got at 3:30pm that might indicate a problem with something that should have been found weeks ago before it was released. Sigh... As Andrea puts it, will it matter in 5 years? No... But that doesn't make today any easier.

I should look at the positive side. At least today is Friday, I have my entire weekend to look forward too. After this long ass stressful week, all I wanted was to have a bunch of screwdrivers and play some video games. But I can't because I also want to exercise at 8am tomorrow, and that doesn't lend itself well to having drinks tonight. Oh, the hell that I put myself through.

Then just when you think your day is officially crap, I put in a movie as I sat down to blog. I looked over and the DVD remote was on the couch next to Andrea so I told her to start the movie. She refused, and instead gave the remote to Megan. 5 seconds later... the movie started. Talk about washing away the day of crap. My daughter kicks ass!!


Steve Eck said...

Wow, Megan is getting so big!

Shawn said...

Ya she is growing up fast, both her check ups put her in the top 95% percentile for height and weight. SHE'S A HUGE BIT... (movie quote btw)