Thursday, March 09, 2006

The Snowball Effect

Sorta like the butterfly effect, only better. How do a bunch of little things always have to eventually become one gigantic feeling of stress? Work really has me freaked out at the moment. Normally I would be looking forward to a Friday but instead I am dreading it. What issue will come up next that I can't handle? How many times will I have to go to other people for help and guidance?

I let the stress get to me today. I punched my cube wall in anger/frustration. Meanwhile my coworkers are telling me, "Shawn, that's not your problem. It's not your job to answer that." I'm not used to limiting myself like that. If there's a problem and someone asks me what it is, I'm going to help. I'm not very good at passing the buck, or telling someone "Sorry, that's not my job."

I need to let it all go... I need to tell myself, it's just work. But I can't, not while I'm there. Sure I can get home and forget about it for awhile, but then there it is again every day staring me in the eye. And now, looks like it's even going to be Fridays.

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