Thursday, March 16, 2006

Tough Day for the Andersons

I'm sick. I hate being sick. It started as soon as I got on the bus this morning, I felt upset stomach, headache developed shortly there after. I made it through the day, because I had to. But I'll be taking a sick day tomorrow. I'm pissed that I couldn't get my run in today.

After getting home, I had to sleep some, so I started that around 6pm, only to be awakened by an extremely upset Megan. I don't know if her teeth are bothering her or if it was something else, but she was NOT happy tonight. Andrea ran a bath and she seemed to calm down a little after that. She slept from 9 to 9:30, I honestly thought she'd sleep longer. Instead she was up again at 10, and only in a slightly better mood. She's sleeping in her swing now, hopefully she will be going down for the night here shortly.

We are slightly worried what we are going to do when she out grows the swing. It's our main line of defense against crying and upset Megan. Maybe they make a 6-month model?

1 comment:

Scooter said...

The older kid version of the swing is generally putting them in the car seat and driving around the block several times while they nod off. We just had to do that with Eryn in Chicago - we made her walk all day and then kept her up until almost 10 p.m. with a resulting total meltdown. The car ride both changes the location and sort of snaps them out of whatever nonrational loop they're in, and provides a nice vibrating, comfortable sleeping spot.