Monday, March 13, 2006

I'm so Ronery

My streak has ended! 11 straight posts, not bad. I'm not going to call this month a total failure because of one day. It's just like eating healthy. You can't give up just because one day you decide to go out to eat and have a little more than you should.

All day yesterday, I was thinking, man I gotta get a post up! And every time I just wanted to keep playing video games. The big news is that yesterday, someone bought my old TV! I had Andrea send out an email to her Mom's group and within 24 hours I had 2 interested couples stop over and look at the TV. The 2nd couple ended up buying it and took it home on Sunday.

My downstairs is so... ronery! You can guess what that means, yep I bought a new TV. It's supposed to be here tomorrow between 1-3. They are going to have to come around back which is going to be a bitch thanks to all the snow.

I thought I'd end tonights post with a cute picture of Megan. But blogger is being a bitch and won't accept my picture uploads. I'll have to post it tomorrow.


Adam said...

Maybe it's just me....but I actually can't guess what "ronery" means... little help?

Shawn said...

Just for you!!

I'm so Ronery